Steamaway Carpet Cleaning of NH - New Hampshire - Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services, New Hampshire - 600270


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Steamaway Carpet Cleaning of NH - Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services

Ref. number: 600270 Updated: 28-04-2011 15:17

Offering: Cleaning services, lawn services, garden services in United States, New Hampshire

Go green with Steamaway Carpet Cleaning of NH We use all green enviromentally friendly solutions. Ask about our 2 room 99.00 special We believe in the quality of service and not just the quantity. Refer a friend that books with us for at least our minimum service charge and we will send you $20. Check us out and book online at Or over the phone at 603-724-4472 603-848-7448 We accept MC/Visa AMEX and Discover and personal check/cash

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