Exeter NH, INDOOR/OUTDOOR YARDSALE - New Hampshire - Garage sales, yard sales, New Hampshire - 565646


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Exeter NH, INDOOR/OUTDOOR YARDSALE - Garage sales, yard sales

Ref. number: 565646 Updated: 06-04-2011 17:45

Offering: Garage sales, yard sales in United States, New Hampshire

131 FRONT ST, EXETER NH SAT April 9 and Sun April 10 9-5 EVERYTHING MUST GO! Furniture, Glassware, BAR ITEMS, TOOLS, 100's of Records, 8 tracks and & player, 1 yr old Lift chair, 1997 FORD TAURUS, Kennedy items, and MUCH MORE!

Contact information
First name: Leonita
Last name: Cluley
Phone number: 603-778-7618
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