land colebrook 5.45 acres with mountain veiws - New Hampshire - Land for sale, New Hampshire - 558673


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land colebrook 5.45 acres with mountain veiws - Land for sale

Ref. number: 558673 Updated: 02-04-2011 02:45

Offering: Land for sale in United States, New Hampshire

5.45 acres in colebrook mountain veiws 5minutes from balsoms ski and golf resort. mountain veiws wooded lot elrctric at road acess right there to snowmobile trails taxes are about $857 a year. i will send pictures to serius buyers and give you directions to property and answer any questions i can. this is a cash only sale. land was apraised at $48000 last year call dave at 1(781)585-5094 any time thankyou

Contact information
First name: david
Last name: bent
Phone number: 1785855094
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